Liquidity Deposit.

Deposit a minimum of $1,000 on the Liquid app for a daily commission of 0.15%

Put your funds to work

Liquid is a decentralized liquidity deposit app that allows you to deposit a minimum of $1,000 or above for 72 hours for a daily commission of 0.15%. The liquidity feeds the “Axis Instant Currency Swap Pool”. Fuspay supports bigger organizations that process millions of transactions in dollars. Liquid allows us to provide a decentralized liquidity pool to serve our real-time currency swap and in turn, we pay you commission daily.

Supported Currencies: We support all countries with exception to countries that on global saction list. You can make deposit from any part of the wor.d.

You have flexibility

You have the flexibility to decide when withdraw your fund or how long you keep the your funds

Instant Withdraw

You have the flexibility to recall your deposited fund after the deposit cycle of 72 hours or you can keep for as long you want.


You can deposit funds from anywhere in the world. All staken are done in USDT & USDC. You can fund through 18 supported currencies or make direct crypto deposit

Staken Cycle

Deposit Cycle is 72 hours. This means once you deposit, you won't be able to withdraw or call back the capital until after 72 hours.

Get started in 4 steps

Create Account

Register on the Liquid App for free to start staking from anywhere in the world.


We profile all users of Liquid and run their names against global sactions list to comply with our AML policy


Deposit cycle is a minimum of 72 hours. After 72 hours you can place a withdrawal or continue staking.


Commission are paid on a daily basis but are only available when you close your deposited capital.

What is minimum deposit amount?

The minimum deposit amount is $1,000 and above. 

Can I liquidated my funds anytime

Yes. You can initiate a withdrawal of your liquidity anytime. However, there is a minimum staking cycle of 72 hours.

What do you use deposited funds for?

Fuspay offer real-time Swap API infrastructure for businesses across different currencies. This require huge amount of liquidity to meet our need, funds in liquid app are pooled in our Axis Swap API and we pay you commission on your funds.

Still have questions?

If you can’t find answers to your questions in the FAQ section, you can always contact us. We will get back to you shortly.