Wallet Plugin - Build Financial product faster

Our Wallet Checkout allows you to have all features at the click of a button in your wallet app. Build and deploy Financial product faster.

The fastest way to launch your financial product

We have employed a developer-first API design approach. Integrate our APIs in one working day.

Sign Up

Sign up on FinSwich to get a free account. Submit information about your business for KYB & get approved.


Get started in one day without changing your business model. The API works with existing wallets & simple to integrate.

Go Live

Pay a fee of $100 to go live, fund your pool, and start collecting payments in all our countries of coverage.

Value Added
Services for Utilities

One of the cute features of our Wallet Plugin checkout is that your customers will have access to over 10,000 value-added services in 54 countries. This includes ability to top-up data and airtime as well as TV subscription.

Instant Global or

Your customers can send money to different parts of the world in simple steps. Payment methods include bank transfers, mobile money, and wallet-to-wallet transfers.


You have total flexibility to control what the wallet checkout looks like. With two variants of the Wallet plugin, you can select what is perfect for you.

Multiple Features

The wallet plugin has features such as wallet funding, transfer, global transfer, airtime, data, gift cards, savings, investment, and loans. The good news is that you can select which of the features you want your customer to see.

Use Cases

Whether you are building financial tech with international capabilities or need utility solutions, Our platform is easy to integrate. We offer a solution with agnostic regulatory landscape in each country and region we serve, so you can focus on building.

For Digital Wallet

Digital Wallet providers can add our api to their wallet and give their customers a seamless in-app experience of cross-border transfer.

For Banks

When banks leverage our API, they give their customers ability to use their wallet app in multiple countries without changing the user’s experience

For Crypto

Cryptocurrency companies can give their users ability to spend crypto directly to fiat instantly across multiple countries.

Have total control and be compliant

Pool Wallet

Monitor credit & debit from your pool wallet with the ability to see performance insights across different markets to help you make informed decisions

User Insights

You can see insights to your customer spending behaviour. Also we give you ability to categorize your customers according to their KYC level.


Gain more insights on your customer’s transactions behavior on what and where they spen to help you focus you develop a customer-centric strategy.


We give total control to implement risk controls through policies, threshold and categorise your customers according to your AML policy.

Check Out Our Pricing Structure

See our pricing across different features of the “Wallet Plugin”


If you perform wallet-to-wallet or wallet-to-bank in the same country

$0.25 Per Successful Transaction

Global Transfer

Instant global transfer to either wallet, mobile money or bank

$2.0 Per Successful Transfer

Commission on Utility

We pay you commission on over 10,000 utility services on our system.

0.5 %– 3.5% of transacted amount on all utilities

Will this replace our wallet?

No. Wallet plugin is just an sdk checkout that can be triggered with a button. This plugin pulps as part of your application for your customers to have access funding, gift cards, utilities and transfer to multiple countries. This doesn’t replace your wallet, it gives it more features

Can I customize this plugin?

Yes. You can customize to your brand. The Wallet Plugin is designed in a manner that you can customize the color to look like the brand color of your application. It behaves as though it’s part of your app.

Can I turn off some services?

Yes. You can turn off services you don’t want your customer to see. You have flexibility to show your customers what part of the features you want them to see.

Still have questions?

If you can’t find answers to your questions in the FAQ section, you can always contact us. We will get back to you shortly.